Lotsa Dogs Lotsa Fun

Lotsa Dogs Lotsa Fun
The Big Dogs Wait at The Door

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Reluctant birthday boy

Baxter celebrated his birthday on his own terms. When he saw us coming with a party hat and a treat he high tailed it to the back of a crate. When we tried to coax him out, he replied with a warning growl. So we gave him his treat and sang to him. He was suspicious of the treat at first, but eventually he ate it.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Goodies (and Badies)

Okay, it's the holidays. Christmas cookies, potato latkes, fruit cakes, punch bowls, chocolate Santas or Chanukah gelt... whatever your tradition, it probably involves culinary treats. So this is the time of the year to remind everyone: PEOPLE TREATS ARE BAD FOR DOGS!!!

This is true almost without exception. Chocolate is downright toxic to dogs and the other stuff can make them ill in varying degrees. Alcohol is a disaster. It's not funny to watch Fido lap up the spiked eggnog. Really, it isn't. It could make him quite ill. And, dogs don't digest oily latkes or shortening rich fruitcakes very well. Mostly, what comes in goes out, and canine innerds suffer as a result of trying to process it. I run a daycare, and not a year goes by that the holidays don't bring horrendous diarrhea to my lovely, clean store. Yes, we have an outdoor yard. Ever tried getting diarrhea off snow and ice?? It's not a pretty task. And the pups don't feel that good either. They drink water and lie around looking perplexed that their body should betray them so.

So please, control yourself and discipline your kids so the dog doesn't get treats other than those meant for dogs. There are losts of holiday versions of dog treats for sale out there in Walmart, Pet Source, Target, your local supermarket or your local pet store. Take advantage and make sure your family understands whose treats are whose!

And what about dress up?? By all means! Hats, suits, collars, boots, it's all cute.
just remember DOGS IN COSTUME MUST BE SUPERVISED. At all times. Left alone, they may very well decide to treat the adorable dreidel coat or reindeer antlers as toys... which means chew baby chew! And dog clothes are not safe for eating. I can't count the number of times I've looked on in sympathy while some poor four-legged tried to poop out yesterday's antlers.
So have a fun, happy holiday season - and help your pup to have one too!

Check out these dog links!

The Doggie Den Homepage

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Watch Gabe Woof his Birthday Treat

Gabe loves his birthday treat. Doesn't even mind the party hat 'cause he's totally focused. Brother Sam lies nearby trying very hard not to look over to stare at Gabe's bounty!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Who says pit bulls don't play nice?

Watch Dexter as the new kid on the block. This was his interview and he played beautifully with Shuki the sheltie, Benny the cocker, and Livvy the lhasa.
Check out these dog links!

The Doggie Den Homepage

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Bossy Black and White

Cuba the black and white wolfhound mix is new to The Doggie Den family. Watch her get off on the right foot by keeping Zack the golden retriever and Lenny the German shepherd in line. A girl has to take care of herself!
Check out these dog links!

The Doggie Den Homepage

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Floyd wins the Esteemed Elder prize

Floyd the friendly basset turned 11 today! He's our official senior pup though he doesn't act like it. He watches from the couch until he sees something he wants to participate in, then he jumps down and barks his deep WOOF! He loved his treat - wasn't even aware of the party hat. He has very clear priorities: FOOD, FUN, SLEEP pretty much in that order.

Check out these dog links!

The Doggie Den Homepage